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AShomang has about 1,000 population and lacks good roads and water.... Readmore..
Accra needs better roads.... Readmore..
Every citizen deserves to have a share in the developmental activities undertaken by the government. Irrespective of who or where they are situated, development activities should cut across the length and breadth of the country. Governments must ensure that there are no boundaries, physical or psychological that exists to interrupt the fair and equitable sharing of the national cake. The idea of development as measured by the government and the citizens should not be too varying. Developmental projects run by government must not be in abstract but as much as possible have a major if not direct impact on its citizens. There should not be a wide gap between what the government feels it is doing and what the citizens at the receiving end are actually getting. Whether direct or indirect, development must affect the interest of the citizens in a way that cannot be denied.